15 Box Design Ideas To
Amp Up Your Packaging

Boost your brand and product recognition by creating an eye-enthralling and innovative custom packaging design that amplifies your sales and profits. Learn outstanding box design ideas that give a new style to your product packaging that captivates the attention of your targeted audiences.

Sophia Grant
Sophia Grant
 Box Design Ideas to Amp Up Your Packaging

You're already ahead of the game if you choose to ship or display your products in a custom cardboard box. Yes, cardboard packaging material is really popular these days. According to a recent Ipsos survey, 71% of consumers stated that they were more inclined to purchase products from brands that packaged their goods with paper or cardboard materials instead of bubble wrap or plastic. Paper and cardboard packaging, according to 63% of respondents, gives a product an air of luxury or superior quality.

Okay, so you packed your products in custom packaging boxes, which was a wise move, but will that be enough to draw attention to them? Nope. You can't simply pack your products into a plain box and call it a day. To differentiate your custom box design from the competition in the age of unpacking videos and never-ending social media tirades over the entire package opening experience, you must go above and beyond with your ideas. Therefore, give box design careful consideration. To make the most of this effective marketing tool, you must create a custom design box that is both imaginative and useful.

Creative And Innovative Custom Design Boxes For Inspiration

Before creating your custom box design ideas and overall design approach, you must comprehend the primary purposes of a packaging box. The best way to entice potential consumers to buy your precious products is through top-notch custom packaging boxes. Now, if you wish to create a new brand identity for your product. Let’s look over the box design ideas that you must keep in mind when designing your own packaging boxes.

Custom Design Boxes For Inspiration

Design Idea NO.1: Custom Packaging Boxes Must Safeguard The Packed Products

The first and most crucial thing is that your box must adequately safeguard the contents. Make sure your bespoke packaging design keeps the contents safe while shipping, if nothing else. That implies that your box needs to be strong and impenetrable. If your delicate products like glassware, electronics, etc. arrive intact, everyone will appreciate a gorgeous box.

Design Idea NO.2: Utilize the Space Available

The one error that most brands make in packaging design is not making the best use of available space. Consider your design for the packaging box as a blank canvas that you can utilize to create something that will benefit the buyer. For instance, take a look at the Bonza Wine Box—it stands out because the entire thing is designed with graphics and striking colors. Therefore, use every available space while designing a packaging box. The inside of this box has a lovely flowery pattern. The design enhances the appearance of the box rather than the interior, which elevates the appearance of the goods within.

Design Idea NO.3: Custom Designed Box Needs To Provide Information

The contents of your custom designed box must be labeled accurately. People are curious about what's inside these boxes when they pick them up, so if space permits, provide details about the contents, such as components, expiration dates, or usage directions. Additionally, customized packaging boxes are excellent places to include particular business details. There is only so much marketing space in a bespoke box, but you can direct customers to other marketing channels, like your website or social network accounts, where you can provide more detailed information about your business and merchandise.

Design Idea NO.4: Consider The Customer Experience

Consider your consumer's experience when creating the package design for your priceless products. Put yourself in your client's position and consider how custom box designs grab your attention. When a customer interacts with your package design, how should they feel? Now, consider the similar experience when creating your package. For example, examine the Puma box packaging design which is a fantastic illustration of green packaging efforts because, when the shoes are removed, it transforms into a tote bag.

Design Idea NO.5: Remember The Essential Details

While designing packaging, some designers overdo the information. We're not suggesting it's a terrible thing, so go ahead and use it if your product requires this kind of package design. We advise you to include all relevant product information, nevertheless, including the brand name, product name, ingredients, company logo, and manufacturing data. For instance, the product name and brand emblem are easily visible in the photograph of the iPhone Box's minimalist packaging design.

Design Idea NO.6: Tell A Tale

Consider using the design boxes for packaging to convey a tale. When your package design conveys a compelling tale, your buyer will be eager to learn more about your product. For example, the whole coffee-making process is visible on the Made Coffee can. Telling your story and introducing yourself to your consumers is a great method to build some rapport. Telling stories to your consumers is a terrific approach to establishing a more personal connection. Share with them your background, priorities, and identity.

Design Idea NO.7: Keep It Unique And Compact

Your custom packaging should have a compact design if your product is small. It facilitates the simple storage and transportation of your merchandise. Every company's motto should be to minimize waste and prioritize sustainability. This extends to their eco-friendly packaging, which frequently consists of kraft paper, cardboard, and corrugated. Their personalized packaging boxes don't have any surplus.

Design Idea NO.8: The Significance Of The Custom Package's Interior

Custom Package Interior

Well, why not use the interior of the package if you have created a lovely package but are still searching for a place to display more information? When a consumer opens the package, they will undoubtedly view the inside, so why not take advantage of the chance to showcase your ingenuity there? Design your own packaging’s interior with unique information to enhance customers' unboxing experience.

Design Idea NO.9: Make Use Of An Eye-Catching Shape

Make use of captivating and eye-grabbing designs to attract a targeted audience. Cuboids are not required for boxes. Although they are often rectangular in design to make storage and transportation easier, there is no hard and fast rule prohibiting you from having a triangular, hexagonal, or any other shape box. A prism-shaped box concept is also used by many brands to strike their products in retail stores.

Design Idea NO.10: Play Around With Fonts

Using an intriguing font is one way to improve the appearance of your bespoke box design. You can go with a classic or quirky, charming or somber, modern or vintage look; the important thing is to make it unforgettable. The appropriate typeface can increase the identification of your brand. Are you unsure of where to begin? Fonts can be found in abundance on the internet. Look for free ones on websites like Behance or Google Fonts, or spend a bit more and get one from Creative Market or MyFonts for a greater selection.

Design Idea NO.11: Consider Alternative Approaches

It's a good idea to think creatively sometimes! Your custom package design ought to grab the interest of potential buyers. Thus, why not create a distinctive-looking package? Consider developing your product to defy prejudices and showcase it in a way that has never been done before.

Design Idea NO.12: Offer Them A Sneak Peek

Cutout windows are designed to provide potential buyers a peek inside your goods and occasionally the chance to handle it. Custom die-cut windows are frequently used for food goods so you can see what you're buying. They are created by the window patching technique. Who wants to spend a lot of money on cookies that, when opening the package, turn out to be a crumbly mess? Additionally, cutouts work well for products that are textured or colorful. With so many hues bursting onto a store shelf, you might create an eye-catching display.

Design Idea NO.13: Employ A Restricted Colour Scheme

Employ A Restricted Colour Scheme

To make your boxes interesting, you don't have to use every color in the rainbow.  Consider using various tones of the same color for a more elegant and subdued appearance. For instance, Ombre is a well-liked bespoke box design concept that has been used in anything from cakes and hair color to painted walls. An ombre is created by blending different color hues, usually bright to dark. Why not give it a try for a modern look in your product box design?

Design Idea NO.14: Close Your Custom Boxes With A Pretty Or Useful Item

Colorful or branded packaging tape is another reasonably priced packaging box design choice. Packaging tape can be used to advertise other products, handle advice, prevent theft, and promote brands. Since custom packing tape may be ordered in modest quantities, this low-cost, low-commitment option is accessible to any business.

Design Idea NO.15: Make Use Of A Custom Stamp

Yes, it would be wonderful to have wonderfully designed custom boxes printed in a variety of colors or with your brand embossed on the sides. But not every company's budget can support it.  But fear not—almost any company can include reasonably priced design components in the design of their custom cardboard box. A bespoke stamp might be a good option if you're on a tight budget or just want a basic design.

Bottom Lines

Packaging materials such as boxes are essential marketing tools that should not be disregarded. Considerate box design techniques, such as the ones listed above, can assist you in drawing in new clients and keeping hold of existing ones. Remember that different aspects of box design don't have to conflict with one another. You can include a few in your design, but keep it from becoming overly busy. To find the perfect fit, you might need to do some experimenting. Your goal is for your message to be clear and consistent in all of your promotional materials.

Go back to your design board and create a fantastic design for your product now that we have given you so many incredible packaging design ideas. But if you're pressed for time and lack creative design inspiration, our professionals at The Custom Boxes can assist you in obtaining a high-quality packaging design!

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