3 P's Of Marketing In
A Single Custom Retail Box

Transform your retail business by understanding the significance of 3 P’s of marketing in a single custom printed retail packaging box. This post unveils the secret strategies of packaging boxes that integrate with product, promotion, and placement. Craft compelling and eye-grabbing custom retail box packaging with marketing and branding narratives to boost brand impact.

Aidan Patel
Aidan Patel
 ps of marketing in a single custom retail box

Wow! What a beautiful retail packaging! I just want to have this product in my hands now. Has your product ever propelled customers to say the same? If yes, it’s an excellent omen. It signals that you are on track and will be rewarded with the sweetest fruits very soon.

A top secret to becoming a successful business person is to make informed decisions. People usually succeed when they know where to invest. A good strategy always pays you back all your investments with many extra pennies as profit.

If you are also a successful business person and want to enjoy this status for longer, 'invest in custom retail box.' Need factual evidence? No worries, we will prove the point by putting theoretical knowledge into practice.

Have you ever heard about the '3 Ps of Marketing'? Likewise, there are three Ps of packaging. Do you know what makes marketing more exciting? Both! But only if these three Ps have a strong correlation between them. Additionally, custom retail boxes are not just ordinary packaging; they bridge the gaps between customers and industries.

Don’t go anywhere. This article will be a big hit for you if you are currently worried about your marketing game. Keep these 3 P’s of marketing at your fingertips and let your work speak louder than your competitors' actions.

What Is Retail Packaging?

Retail packaging is known to ensure the great presentation of your products at stores. By studying customer psychology or purchasing behavior, custom retail boxes with logos are designed to leave a lasting impression.

Sometimes, great aesthetics are the need of the hour, while at other times, you must invest in retail packaging so customers can make a strong connection with your products. It's a way to both protect and impress customers.

What Is Retail Packaging

Simply put, wholesale retail boxes, after probing everything about competitors' marketing strategies, keeps things in place that really work well. However, if you want to get the best out of the packaging, choosing an innovative packaging design is necessary. Custom printed retail boxes are known for their benefits including a significant increase in sales and influencing market success.

Boxes for retail packaging itself work great, but one can significantly increase its charm and charisma by knowing about the 3 P’s of marketing.

Three P’s of Marketing- Three Marketing Essentials:

Marketing resembles Chess; the better you play, the safer your queen or king will be. If we continue taking the example of chess, it suggests taking every step wisely or keeping your eight pawns in the right position on the chessboard. The chances you will check-matte competitors increase 10 times if you entirely focus on your and competitors’ moves.

Oxford Dictionary defines Marketing by choosing these words:

“The activity or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising”

However, We, The Custom Boxes, value the Golden worlds of Philip Kotle. He narrates:

"Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value." - Philip Kotle

Three P's Of Marketing

But how? That’s a good question. We are among the top-rated packaging business, with more than 10 years of custom retail packaging manufacturing experience. The uniqueness lies in making spectacular boxes for you as we help all businesses, especially the small ones or others who have just started. In every custom retail box, we hide glitters of excellence. Simply put, we strive hard to boost your businesses by ensuring three P’s of Marketing. They are;

1. Product:

Product quality is the real asset of a company. How even a beauty brand works well if their products, packed in sub-standard cosmetic boxes, don’t have amazing results. From a marketing point of view, the most important thing is to first look for your product quality.

2. Price:

Cut price! We can’t afford it. It’s out of my budget constraints. These are phrases we all have heard even once in our lifetime. So, no matter which problem is under consideration, we need to be careful about price. Principles of marketing also ask us to do so.

3. Promotions:

Last and the most important one is ‘promotion’. Do whatever you can do to promote your products. The more people get familiar with your brand the blockbuster will be you. Stay on track while opting for the best possible solution that is in accordance with your product’s nature and price limits.

Above all, there is another important P in marketing that remains often neglected-that is, Place. You read it right. Where you are selling your CBD box-packed products or who needs them? These two aspects are related to the fourth P ‘the place’.

What Are The 3 Main P’s Of Packaging?

What Are The 3 Main P’s Of Packaging

Just like the marketing has 3 Ps, Packaging also has 3 P’s.  We feel proud to say that all our experts are well aware of these theoretical aspects. Let’s take a look at our packaging wonders or related 3 Ps.

To date, retail packaging is made to keep the concerns of the seller a priority. Luckily, a wonder box can do it for you rightly, but only if tailored to your needs. Let’s take an example. Suppose you are going to sell hair extensions. What do you think are the must-have features of hair extension boxes?

  • Good protective properties
  • Prioritizing your products over other
  • Promote your brand where possible 

In this regard, the three main types of packaging include:

1. Protect:

If a retail box is made to protect something that may lose its pristine condition when directly exposed to the environment, it must do it. Flipping the picture, it suggests an ideal box for retail packaging must be protective of the product, environment, and end users.

2. Prioritize:

What suits you well? What to leave and what to add? These and many other questions if answered properly help your being prioritized by the customers. The packaging does it by shaping the products with alluring colors and setting them apart from others. Hence, custom retail boxes are easier ways to set the parameters or prioritize your products over others.

3. Promote:

Hit the ground with a power punch! Leave people in a persistent astonishment. Retail packaging boxes wholesale in our factories are made to surely do it. Aligning your brand elements logo, name, and taglines while maintaining a consistent brand image is what boxes do for your brand promotion. Staying for longer in users' consciousness is also a wonderful fact that meticulously crafted retail packaging silently serves.

Why Choose The Custom Boxes?

The Custom Boxes is a renowned retail box manufacturer. With the edge-cutting machinery and bucket full of innovative ideas, we ace every aspect of custom packaging. You can have prints to promote the products and choose the stunning eco-friendly boxes to get prioritized. Of course, the budget-friendly packaging prices with a lot of extras as a gesture of love and affection, also make it a wonderful choice for all. Simply, expert graphic designers in collaboration with marketing experts, and the availability of all vital resources are what make us unique. Long story short, we serve all sorts of theoretical aspects to make boxes spellbound customers.


All in all, it’s the way you get your retail packaging boxes done that works well for your business. It may break and make your business; so special efforts need to be made to carefully cater to all possible aspects of packaging. A deep understanding of different marketing perspectives makes it easy for all to transform seamlessly important boxes into a branding tool. These packaging 3 P’s simply ask you to protect, prioritize, and promote your products by choosing the best custom retail packaging supplies. Order now and enjoy Lots of more benefits!

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